Why Understanding Regression Defects Is Important For Your Next Release
‘Regression’ a word that is thought of with a lot of pain by software testers around the globe. We are aware of how mentally taxing yet indispensable Regression testing can be for a release window. Sometimes, we even wonder whether regression testing is really needed? Why do we need to perform it when a bug-free software can never be ready? Well, the answer is Yes! We need to perform regression testing on regular basis. The reason we do so is to discover regression defects. Wondering what regression defects are and how you can deal with them effectively? Well, in this article, I will be addressing key points for you to be aware of what regression defects are! How you can discover and handle regression defects for a successful release.
So, What Are Regression Defects Bugs?
Often during software testing, some bugs are detected and a quick bug fix is carried out. Regression testing is executed in order to ensure that the bug fix didn’t cause any abruption in the application’s intended functionality. When some bugs are found to be occurring as a result of the bug fix, those are known as regression bugs. For example, let’s say your login page is having some errors and the developer fixed it. Now, the login page is working fine, but the registration page is causing some validation or other errors which did not exist earlier. The new error may have been caused because of the fix on the login page. This is a regression defect and it is relevant to deal with for delivering a more robust product in the market.
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Why Regression Defects Are Hard To Deal With?
Regression bugs are often unavoidable and need to be fixed before software is released. There are some reasons which make regression bugs a complicated thing to work on.
Increase in Project Cost — Regression defects are produced as a result to recent bug fixes in the production will demand you to perform regression testing for the same module over and over again till the regression defects are discovered. Handling regression defects requires a lot of rework, and both, the organization and the client spends a lot of amount in the employee’s billing, only for repetition of the same work.
Time Complexity — Regression defects can prove to be a lot challenging when the deadline draws closer. Developers get very little time to fix the newly detected bugs and the rush to fix often results in developers applying certain hotfixes which may not be appropriate according to best practices or coding standards.
Agile Velocity Getting Slower — In the current Agile dominated era, developers and testers are always in a rush to finish a sprint and they work hand in hand to resolve the issues. In this scenario, doing repetitive testing of the same module not only consumes time but also becomes frustrating at a point of time when a bug fix results in another new bug. Slowed delivery also becomes a roadblock for software tester to write effective test cases.
Maintenance Cost — In Agile projects, the situation may arise that defects fixed in the current sprint may cause some additional defects in the previous sprint. It has to be taken care that frequent testing is carried out on the previous sprints as well as the part of the application that is already in production, thereby increasing the maintenance cost.
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Effective Handling Of Regression Defects
There are several ways that will help you to handle regression defects effectively. Ideally, you can effectively deal with regression defects and ensure a smooth product release by
Thoroughly reviewing the code.
Monitoring the test data and other metrics.
Incorporate Shift-Left testing in your test cycles.
Automate your regression testing process to make your releases less monotonous, more fast and accurate.
Now, we have a look at these in detail for effective handling of regression defects.
Extensive Code Review
Not only development but even testing scripts require regular code review. Access the test cases to ensure that they are sufficient to verify each and every module of the component. Ideally, QA team should work along with development team to check for areas that pose a high risk. Fine tune the regression testing suite to analyze whether the new changes resulted in any critical regression defects. Integrating automated test cases into your software will help testers to
Find logical errors
Cover the entire requirement
Create automated code versions
Report on the outcome of the results
Monitoring the Metrics
Bugs found while testing is not only meant to be detected and fixed. They often tell a story. Especially regression defects tell a lot about coding, coverage of previous test cases and the extent of integration of testing and previous development.
Monitoring the metrics help to check the proficiency of the entire software life cycle. Maybe the current spring has more defects or maybe due to time limitation, coders and testers had to work in a hurry, resulting in increasing regression defect count.
Taking into account the details of those variables is also important to verify the performance of your team which in turn, optimizes the entire regression effort and helps to detect any regression defect that may have been missed. Monitoring the data is also crucial to production and other business operations, thereby ensuring a smooth product release.
Integrating Shift-Left Testing With Continuous Testing
Traditionally, the testing process is executed post development into the staging environment. However, this way the testers sometimes have to manage an extensive round of testing in a very limited time window. If bugs are discovered late when the release process is drawing near, then you may even have to postpone the release date or if fatal bugs are discovered post migration to production environment then you may even have to rollback the complete release. This not only turns out to be time-consuming but is also strenuous for the employees working in an agile environment. Shift left testing is a methodology where you incorporate testing right from the very beginning of your SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle). Performing Continuous testing using Shift-left testing can be very effective in mitigating risks and outages.
Automate Wherever It Is Possible
Automation testing saves a lot of time when it comes to minimizing regression defects. Especially during unit testing, automated scripts check the functionality at a deeper level and detects logical errors. Writing an extensive unit test script will ensure that regression testing is done flawlessly and quality product is delivered within time.
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Best Practises For Handling Regression Defects
Here, we shall discuss some best practices and approach of regression testing that will help in handling regression defects.
Make Sure that Rework is Avoided
Often, because of delivery deadline getting nearer, and pressure from the management to close the testing phase quickly, testers are forced to close certain minor bugs that have not been fixed. It is better to think about the long run. Make sure the job is done right the first time and it will reward you with a high-quality product and happier stakeholders, along with a short development lifecycle.
Make Sure Your Budget is Sufficient
It can be undoubtedly stated that regression testing is quite expensive. Companies have to spend a huge sum of money to test an application on which testing already has been performed. From the management’s point of view, they will see it pointless to invest such a huge sum since regression testing does not have any return on investment. Minimizing regression defects being your goal, your job is to explain the stakeholders properly, why they need to allow a specific budget if they are expecting a quality product.